The HSE require that we provide evidence of due diligence in order to satisfy clients that we offer a quality service.
We have provided evidence, which has been independently verified that we fulfil each of the following criteria
- Do the trainers/assessors have a current FAW certificate or qualify for an exemption?
- Do the trainers/assessors have an appropriate training/assessing qualification?
Quality assurance
- Is there a documented quality assurance plan designating an individual to take responsibility for quality assurance, including assessment of the performance of trainers/assessors at least annually?
- Does the designated person have a current FAW certificate or qualify for an exemption?
- Does the designated person have an assessing/verifying qualification?
- Is there a documented course evaluation procedure?
- Is there a documented complaints procedure?
Teaching currently accepted first-aid practice
- Is FAW/EFAW taught in accordance with current guidelines on adult basic life support published by the Resuscitation Council (UK), and for other aspects of first aid, in accordance with current guidelines published by the Voluntary Aid Societies or other published guidelines that are supported by a responsible body of medical opinion?
Training syllabus
- Does the course content adequately meet the needs of your workplace as indicated by your first-aid needs assessment?
- For FAW, does the syllabus include the topics listed and does the course include at least 18 training and assessment contact hours, over three days?
- For FAW requalification, does the syllabus include the topics listed and does the course last at least 12 training and assessment contact hours, over two days?
- For EFAW, does the syllabus include the topics listed and does the course last at least six training and assessment contact hours, over one day?
- For EFAW requalification, does the syllabus include the topics listed and does the course last at least six training and assessment contact hours, over one day?
- Do the certificates issued to students assessed as competent contain the name of the training organisation, the title of the qualification (eg FAW or EFAW), reference to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, the date of issue and confirmation the certificate is valid for three years? (If training is neither FAW nor EFAW the certificate should also list the learning outcomes of the syllabus on which candidates have been assessed.)